Operation Thank You National Guard and CDOT

When I read the news that the Utah Guard was on their way to Colorado, I felt an overwhelming sense of hope and gratitude. Hopefully you did too. So maybe it’s time to show our gratitude to the ones doing the very hard work to return us all home! The Colorado National Guard has enlisted the Utah National Guard to help rebuild highway 36. CDOT and our Colorado guard are stretched so thin and have been working non-stop since the floods over three weeks ago.

To say “Thanks!” we are working on a few things and could use your help!

1) Working the road blocks and check points is grueling. I spoke with a guardsman earlier today who said anything we can do for these guys would be appreciated more than we realize. He suggested delivering cookies or any token of appreciation when we visit these checkpoints. Those of us who return to Pinewood (or Lyons…. or Estes) go through these road blocks. Let’s overwhelm these troops with our thanks!

2) I’m working with a sign company to have some “thank you banners” made. Also, I’m asking for some blank vinyl banners that can be signed at Lyons K-12 building in Longmont (pending approval) and at checkpoints. These will be displayed around Lyons and Pinewood and possibly the camp/hotels where the guard is staying.

3) If you would like to write your own personal thank you card or sign… I will be collecting these and will make sure that the troops receive them. I’ll post more information on that when I have it figured out.

4) Let’s not forget our Pinewood Springs Volunteer Firefighters…. I’d like to paper the firehouse with thank you cards or signs. They worked tirelessly day after day after day to ensure our lives and our property was protected. When I know the best way to collect those thank you’s – I’ll update this post.

If you have any other ideas, please leave me a comment or drop me an email at laura@gourmetmediagroup.com

Today I’m feeling like we will all be on the road home soon!





  1. Dave Isenberg
    Oct 4, 2013

    Personally, I wish we could throw a giant BBQ for all these guys. Have steaks, burgers, brats, and all the trimmings ready for them along with huge thank yous and a couple kegs (maybe they’d have to be off duty?)

    IMHO…they’re more than worth it.

    I just wish we could include the helicopter crews as well.

    • admin
      Oct 4, 2013

      Great minds think alike, Dave. I was just talking to the guard and have the lowdown on how to best thank them. Unfortunately, they have troops rotating constantly and they are rarely all together. I suggested the BBQ idea. However, they do all get together once / month so we could plan something later after the roadwork is done.

  2. Amy Slaughter
    Oct 4, 2013

    Yes, yes, yes, and yes! We will be in Pinewood most of next week and will make a point of taking the guards some goodies. I am also on board with the banners, cards, and postings – I just wish we could have let the CDOT & NG that pulled out last night know how much we appreciate all of the efforts they put forth – it was absolutely amazing! PWS Fire should be recognized as well – a lot of effort went into keeping the community safe and heads cool in the face of disaster.
    Volunteers stepping up – the road guys, the security guys, the road builders for evac, neighbors helping neighbors (a personal thank you to Buzz, Jaq/David, Judd, John, and Kheli for helping us out)….
    I see a very large PINEWOOD THANK YOU party in the future!

  3. Randi
    Oct 5, 2013

    I actually took a turkey dinner for two on my way to my parents house on Hiway 36 a few weeks ago. I stopped at the road block- they ran over to ask if we were okay and I said yes. I just wanted to bring you this. The smile on their faces I will never forget. :-)

    • admin
      Oct 5, 2013

      Love this! They eat MRE’s in the afternoon so they probably loved that!

  4. Dar
    Oct 6, 2013

    Are PWS residents now able to drive to PWS? If so, from what direction? We live on Cherokee Rd.

  5. Kheli
    Oct 7, 2013

    We handed out cookies, thanks and hugs yesterday. These folks are awesome and many said the same thing: Just happy we can help, ma’am. (tears)
    We are happy they can, too!

  6. Kate & Andrew
    Oct 7, 2013

    Our National Guards have been wonderful! They were ready and willing to come in here and provide a service no one else could have done in a similar time frame. We are amazed at the progress.
    Some of the hardworking members we met were from Montrose and Colorado Springs. We met the 947th Engineer Company, out of Montrose, who helped rebuild our roads with their heavy equipment. They were very friendly and said they were glad they got to help.

  7. Sue Painter
    Oct 11, 2013

    Okay, I think it’s PIZZA DAY for the National Guard/road crews. Does anyone know if Oskars or anyone else in Lyons is available to make some pizzas? I’d rather buy locally. I was going to purchase 4 large pizzas to give to the men and women working on our roads, and of course one for the check point guards in Lyons. Anyone else want to join me in the fun?

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