Update: 4-Wheel Drive Access Road Closes Today



All remaining residents who wish to exit via the 4×4 road to Spring Gulch must be at gate 1 by 10:00 AM – After all public vehicles are through, the fire fighters will follow out. From that point on, there will be no controlled exits to ensure safety.

Pinewood Springs Firefighter, Randy Craner will be remaining behind for FEMA and construction workers lodging and basic life support or fires with only a few trained personnel.

For emergencies, the residents remaining will have to go to Randy’s home at the Little Elk Meadows Lodge so that he can deploy support if needed. This is only until phone lines are re-established and the normal 911 system is available again.

1 Comment

  1. Autumn
    Sep 22, 2013

    So once the road is no longer *controlled* does that mean that national guard is no longer monitoring the gate in Lyons? I’m asking because I have an off road vehicle and would gladly enter at my own risk, so I can grab more work & warm clothes from my home in Pinewood. I left in such a hurry that I have already exhausted the clothes supply i brought.

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