Pinewood Springs Evacuation 4-Wheel Caravan Scheduled


Many residents were waiting for a road so they could drive vs. take the helicopter. Hot shots have been working on a 4-wheel drive road for several days to make this happen… Here is the update on timing:

Friday morning 08/20/13 Starting at 08:00 AM
Orderly Caravan of resident 4×4 vehicles exiting to Spring Gulch and out through Lyons. Approx 50 vehicles expected on Friday. Operation expected to last aprox 4 hours. Loved ones can expected there family members out by Noon.

Fire Department and support crews expected to exit same route on Saturday 09/21/13. Exact time unknown right now.

Pinewood Springs Residents can get information updates on their community on the newly created website: or by visiting

UPDATE: September 21, 2013: 

All remaining residents who wish to exit via the 4×4 road to Spring Gulch must be at gate 1 by 10:00 AM – After all public vehicles are through, the fire fighters will follow out. From that point on, there will be no controlled exits to ensure safety.


  1. Mike Gray
    Sep 19, 2013

    Are residents going to have the option to use this access to come back up to our property once things slow down with evacuations?

    • admin
      Sep 19, 2013

      For now I believe this is a one-time/one-way evacuation route – however I have asked the fire dept about that option and will post here when I find out. Thanks, Laura Levy

  2. Donn Fairbank
    Sep 19, 2013

    The following note was sent from Linda Sanders, Business Operations Manager, Larimer County Engineering to Dan Cundall, the PWS Road Board Roads Superintendent Wednesday morning, Sept 18, 2013:

    First of all, glad to hear you are save. We have been given the Declaration of debris removal from FEMA. Next will come the declaration of permanent work. We are being told the Hwy 7 and 36 will be on the fast track by CDOT. In fact a meeting with contractors is this week and proposals are due 9/19 and work to start Monday.

    For more local roads we have yet to have an applicant briefing. Our public works directer, county engineer and assistant county engineer will be representing our PIDs along with other county subdivision roads and county roads. I am making a list of the pids with available funds today with severity of conditions. We do not know how much FEMA will pay. However we are going to bat for Pinewood. We do not even know if the work has to be by DAVIS BACON payrolls which I believe will be the case.

    My suggestion is to provide an emergency way out and do your best on the water. I am assuming the water district needs to apply for assistance also from FEMA.

    I would anticipate you will need to document with pictures and measurements with lists for FEMA.

  3. Ardean Johnson
    Sep 19, 2013

    Is there a way for those of us who evacuated to get back up on Friday to get our vehicles and drive them out?
    Can we do a one-way up at 8 AM FIRST? Or maybe noon up, get our 4/4’s and then out. Please let us know. THANKS and GOD BLESS ALL WHO HAVE MADE THIS HAPPEN.
    Ardean, 720 840 6635
    253 Apache Rd

  4. Michael Bruce
    Sep 19, 2013

    Is anyone planning to try to hike into Pinewood today/tonight and bring a vehicle out tomorrow?

    • admin
      Sep 19, 2013

      I know a few people who are doing that, Michael. That said I haven’t been able to reach anyone from the fire department to confirm all is well with the 8:00 AM plan tomorrow. I assume it is or I would have heard otherwise. – Laura

    • Aredan Johnson
      Sep 19, 2013

      I want to go up and bring my truck back tomorrow. Would like to carpool with you guys. PLEASE!!!

      • Bruce McQueen
        Sep 19, 2013

        I am going up tomorrow morning (Friday) and hopefully getting a vehicle down on Saturday with firefighters. I will be leaving from Boulder around 9:30 a.m.

  5. Sindee Williams
    Sep 19, 2013

    If we can’t make it up from Ep Until Friday could we leave Sat with the last people.

  6. Friso Schlottau
    Sep 19, 2013

    For those who are taking part in the caravan tomorrow, can you post here if you would be able to get out with a awd sedan? Just asking in case another caravan is organized…

  7. Dave Isenberg
    Sep 19, 2013

    How are you guys planning on getting up to Pinewood tomorrow? If I understand the route correctly, you’ll need a pass to get through Lyons to get to the Spring Gulch area. Since those passes aren’t given out till 9:00, there’s no way we can join anyone until at least after that. Since we’ve got to work for a living, it’ll have to be Saturday at the earliest for us. Or is the opportunity to get up there only valid Friday and Saturday?

    When we were airlifted out on Saturday the indications were that the roads would likely be out for several weeks to perhaps as much as two months. As a result of that and our necessarily hurried evacuation prep, we didn’t winterize the house. I’m becoming concerned that we may have to return to a totally destroyed home next spring because we can’t return before the winter comes to drain the water from the pipes.

    Anyone else out there have the same problem as us?

    • admin
      Sep 20, 2013

      Dave, Kheli of Handy Woman is happy to help with winterization. She is staying up there for the duration. Would you like her contact information?

      • Dave Isenberg
        Sep 20, 2013

        I would like to try to arrange something which would allow any/all of us down here to get up there if they need to so that we can not only winterize our homes, but also to get vehicles if at all possible. In the event that we cannot arrange such a trek, I might need Kheli’s contact information, so yes please, if you could email that info to me, I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

        • admin
          Sep 20, 2013

          Will do, Dave. I think trying to coordinate something like that might be easier in the future if everything goes well today. Also, I’ve heard (rumor) that the repairs to the road above Pinewood may already be contracted/fast-tracked. I’ll get in touch with CDOT and the governor’s new recovery office next week and will post updates on this site.

    • John Frazer
      Sep 20, 2013

      I need to winterize also. Maybe the Handy Woman can help. Tjhere is no key up there, though. Can she pick a lock? How do I contact her.

  8. Dave Isenberg
    Sep 20, 2013

    I’ve spoken with a Sgt from the Boulder county Sheriff department who indicated that if we were to organize a group to head up to Pinewood from down here, and that we went in as a group, came out as a group and respected the property that we had to drive through (referring to the Spring Gulch property) that he would offer to assist us in getting permission from the property owners for us to make this trek. Are there any people like us that have to get up to Pinewood in order to winterize and/or get their vehicles out? If so, we should do some planning and go as a group.

    I would suggest we plan on heading up to Pinewood this Sunday morning, returning off the mountain in the evening. Later this morning I’m planning on heading down to Longmont to get the required “pass” allowing us to drive through Lyons. I’ll ask if the times for entering and exiting Lyons could be relaxed a little given our need for a long drive.

    • Pat Rolfe
      Sep 20, 2013

      Sounds like a plan, Dave. Is the idea to form a convoy with the lead vehicle showing the pass instead of everyone crowding the voucher line in Longmont and causing a bottleneck? Additionally, does anybody have a clue regarding a return timetable?

      • Dave Isenberg
        Sep 20, 2013

        This is all being pulled together “on the fly” but so far it’s looking very promising.

        From the people handing out passes: anyone going IN to Lyons must have a pass, but passes are not required to exit Lyons.

        To get passes, the Lifebridge Church on 66 in Longmont is open today till 5:00pm and will be open tomorrow from 9:00am till 2:00pm. Note that this was told to me just a few minutes ago by the woman handling “unincorporated Boulder County” access, NOT the line for the Town of Lyons. For some peculiar reason, the times for those two different lines for passes are different. Note also that they will NOT be open on Sunday.

        Going in through Lyons and further up Spring Gulch should be done as a group. I can’t stress this enough. The landowner that allows us this access may say “no” if we keep going up as individuals.

        As far as timeframes, the unincorporated passes are good from 6:00am to 7:00pm and are good for one Entry per day, not just for one particular day. Again, I cannot stress enough that we MUST do this jaunt as a group. Please if you need to go up to Pinewood, let’s all do it together.

        I think we should meet up Sunday morning, probably at the Madhava (sp?) honey place just outside Lyons on 66, which is outside the checkpoint. (I just found out Madhava has sold that property, but the little honey store is still there.) Lets tentatively plan on LEAVING there at 6:00am Sunday Morning so we have plenty of time before the rain moves in. I’m still trying to check to see if they object to us leaving parked cars there on Sunday. I believe it will take us an hour (perhaps a bit less) to get to Pinewood, and we should allow about 4-5 hours for people to get their houses winterized. If I’m right we should all be ready to head out of Pinewood by Noon, which should get us out of Lyons by about 1:00.

        One thing that the Boulder County Sheriff’s office wants before we get through Lyons is a complete list of everyone that is going up, and everyone that is coming back. They want this to be sure they know if there are any missing people that must be rescued.

        One word of caution. There is a rumor that some of the kids in Pinewood have been siphoning gas out of cars left up there. We might need to keep this in mind and bring some gas cans with us.

        I will continue to post information as I get it.


        • Bruce Maldonado
          Sep 21, 2013

          I am in for Sunday. Have been occupied dealing with the flood of my 94 year old motherinlaw’s apartment and finding her a new home so this is my first look into this website. We are att he end of Cree Court which is cut off by the bridge and road washouts… I have numerous work files, pc etc to carry out 1/4 mile to the washout point. 1p.m. exit is going to cut it too close for me… CELL 303-437-0673

    • Doug Boguslawski
      Sep 20, 2013

      I too would like to go up to Pinewood on Sunday if there is a group going. I would like to hitch a ride because the primary objective is to retrieve my 4wd truck. If this is a possiblity, please call Doug @ 970.532.2752. I can meet anywhere any time. I will also monitor this site. Thanks, Doug.

    • Heather Shoffner
      Sep 20, 2013

      Hello – Yes! My husband and I would like to go up, pack some items, winterize the house, and drive our Wrangler and Tacoma out that are currently in Pinewood.

      If we drive in, we will need to bring another driver with us to get the 3 vehicles out – is this acceptable?

      Please keep us posted.

      Thanks for organizing!

    • John Frazer
      Sep 20, 2013

      I would like to get up to winterize, but don’t have 4 wheel drive.

  9. Kurt
    Sep 20, 2013

    Whatever we come up with, I’m in. Need to go after my vehicles. Does the road accept subaru outback?

    • admin
      Sep 20, 2013

      I’ll post updates after I scope out the road situation. Considering how many cars are driving out today, I would imagine a Subaru would be fine since it’s all-wheel drive.

      • Kurt
        Sep 20, 2013


      • candy Gramson
        Sep 20, 2013

        Yes the road is fine for an outback. I came out today @ 12 and the road was in great shape still. The problem is if the road gets rundown it mignt be more difficult. Fire fighters coming out tomorrow (saturday).

        • Kurt
          Sep 22, 2013

          Thank you Candy,

          I was able to get our outback And pickup out today. We just snuck out with THE last convoy. (Whew!)

          I think we’re now cutoff from car extrusion.

  10. Gary Clements
    Sep 20, 2013

    I need to get to my house on Ogallala to retrieve the Fire District’s financial records and my computer so I can do the Fire District’s budget and pay bills but my truck is trapped up there with the bridge out at Crescent Lake. I’m in Broomfield and might be able to borrow a car. Any suggestions?

    • admin
      Sep 20, 2013

      Gary, it’s my understanding that the remaining fire dept personnel will leave tomorrow. Can they get into your house to retrieve your computer? I believe for the time being today’s caravan is a one time deal to drive out the road… however, you can go to Estes via highway 7, park where the highway is out near Big Elk and hike to your house. I know many people who have been retrieving their belongings this way.

      • Gary Clements
        Sep 20, 2013

        Yes, they can get in but I will have to tell them what to get and where it is. Firefighter Jess Bologna knows my house if she is still there. I don’t know how to contact the firefighters. My cell is 303-746-2048 if that helps.

        • home2pws
          Sep 20, 2013

          Gary – Sara and I will be going up to PWS tomorrow to get some items and check on the house. I am going to the evacuation meeting at the Budweiser Event center tonight and I am happy to meet up with you before I go.

  11. William Kipp
    Sep 20, 2013

    Hi, Could you please send me an email address for Dave and/or Kheli. We live at 203 Button Rock and were not able to completely drain the water lines. Left a note for Carl indicating this also but don’t know if he was able to do this or not, given his workload. Don’t know if he’s still there, hopefully he is!

  12. Janet
    Sep 20, 2013

    I have heard that additional roads to the Peak-to-Peak Hwy may open soon (Sunshine Canyon, Boulder Canyon, etc).

    Any word on additional road access from Boulder area to Estes Park that would shorten the route to EP without having to go all the way to I-70 and then over t0 EP?


  13. Sandi Ault
    Sep 20, 2013
  14. Galynn Dexter
    Sep 20, 2013

    I would like to be on the list for reentry Sunday morning. (is there a “list” somewhere that we are getting together?) We need to winterize and bring a vehicle out. It would be good to post this on facebook too so everyone can go together. Are there any needs that we can bring into SP while we are going in? (fuel, etc)

    • admin
      Sep 21, 2013

      I was told by the firefighters that they are leaving on the road first thing on Sunday morning and then the road will be closed. They were trying to get the remaining residents out today and had two caravans at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM.

  15. Brian Rappel
    Sep 20, 2013

    Hi Everyone,
    Cindy and I plan on going up as well. We’ll meet you all on sunday morning at the old Madhavas.
    My cell is 3039164911 if you need to reach me.

    • john frazer
      Sep 21, 2013

      I have a 4X4 avail so I would like to go. Please let me know when and where.

  16. Dave Isenberg
    Sep 20, 2013

    Plans for Sunday seem to be falling apart. I haven’t heard back from the Boulder Sheriff today, so I’m assuming that he hasn’t been able to reach the property owner to obtain permission. Although the Sgt. seemed confident that permission would be given, at this point my family needs the vehicles and we can’t risk not getting them tomorrow. My plan is to walk up and try to get ours out tomorrow with the fire crews.

    I will continue to try to set something up for Sunday, but at this point I can’t make any promises. I’m very sorry to get hopes up only to have them (possibly) dashed at the last minute. If we need to set this up for later in the week, that may be possible, as long as we set it up for groups to go up together.

    Going in groups is the only way that the Boulder Sheriff is willing to help us out. We would have to go up as a group, and get out as a group. If we can do that, arrangements seem quite possible. Going up as individuals after tomorrow will likely not be possible.

    I do hope the fire crews are willing to allow us to drive our personal vehicles out with them. If this will not be permitted, could someone PLEASE call me on my cell to let me know before 6:30am tomorrow. Thanks.

    • Mark Upton
      Sep 21, 2013

      I would like to come in and get my car out Sunday or whenever fd is leaving
      Please keep us informed
      I would also like to winterized my house while there
      Thank you

      • admin
        Sep 21, 2013

        The remaining fire dept is leaving first thing on Sunday morning and then the road will be closed.

    • Bruce Maldonado
      Sep 21, 2013

      Anyone still going on Sunday? Please call me 303-437-0673. Dave, I don’t see your cell number listed. Thank you -=Bruce=-

      • admin
        Sep 21, 2013

        Hi Bruce, The remaining firefighters are leaving tomorrow morning and then the road will be closed.

    • John Frazer
      Sep 21, 2013

      my phone is 303-408-4716. The plan is to meet in Lyons at 6am? I have a 4X4 available. Does anyone knopw the trail to cross cresent lake?

  17. Charles Pease
    Sep 21, 2013


    We airlifted out last Monday, 9/16, and are presently in Loveland. Went to a general Larimer county meeting for all those evacuees and those who lost their homes in Larimer county. Lots of conversation (political mostly) about how sorry everyone was for us and how they will be doing all they can to open up temporary routes for those stranded by the floods (I.e. Pinewood Springs, Drake, Storm Mtn, etc). However, despite our queries about power, phones, water, etc, no response other than saying that there are approximately 1200 homes still without power. I suspect Pinewood has the bulk of those. Does Pinewood have any power, phone service, drinkable water, etc?
    Is Gaby ok and has she left Pinewood?
    Charlie Pease

    • admin
      Sep 21, 2013

      Pinewood has had power for the last couple of days. The west side of the highway (Villa Tatra side) has drinkable water and I know they are working hard on the water treatment plant. Not sure about phone service but there were lots of CenturyLink vans in the area. Bottom line: there appears to be a big effort to make the necessary repairs

      • Charles Pease
        Sep 22, 2013

        I’ve heard that there will be a “Caravan” of 4-wheelers going out today. I assume that will be done on the
        “Stagecoach road”. Can u give me an update on the condition of that road? Also, when you say it will be
        “Closed” does that mean that barriers will be put up to prevent any 4-wheel trucks/vehicles coming up/back to Pinewood or is it just that no safety can be provided for the trek back??

        Thanks for all you’re doing to keep us informed!

        • admin
          Sep 22, 2013

          I was told by the firefighters that a metal, locked gate will be installed quickly to prevent access. The road goes through private property so the owners were assured that this weekend’s organized caravan was a one-time event. As for condition, it was great! The crews did an amazing job of grooming it. Even a small BMW sedan made it over yesterday!

  18. Friso Schlottau
    Sep 21, 2013

    A massive Thank You to everyone who was involved in building the road, allowing the road to be built, and guiding folks out. We were “on the bus” for the 8AM Sat trip, and were pleasantly surprised how good the road was for our low-clearance sedans. Phenomenal work in such a short timeframe. Pinewood Springs will emerge from this whole things a tighter community, and I hope that we will all get to celebrate in a couple of short months once the road opens back up (that is just my hope, not anything official).
    Best of luck to all involved.

    • admin
      Sep 21, 2013

      I was behind you, Friso and I was very impressed watching your little cars head up that road…. in fact, I have a couple of great photos of you guys! -Laura

  19. lyna weinfurtner
    Sep 21, 2013

    Could a large Plymouth Voyager van get out on the Spring Gulch road people are talking about? Even if i can’t get my van out, I’d like to grab a few things. Let me know if anyone has room to take me both there and back.
    Thanks, hope everyone is coping.
    Best to contact me by phone, text is best.

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