Larimer County Flood Evacuee Meeting


The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office in coordination with multiple federal, state, county and local agencies as well as several charitable organizations will be holding an evacuee informational meeting tomorrow, Friday, September 20th at 6:30 p.m. This meeting will be held at the Budweiser Event Center, located at 5290 Arena Circle in Loveland, Colorado.

Speakers will include Larimer County Commissioner Tom Donnelly, Larimer County Sheriff Justin Smith, Larimer County Manager Linda Hoffmann, Larimer County Recovery Manager Suzanne Bassinger, Larimer County Road and Bridge Representative Dale Miller, a representative from Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and several others. This meeting will be a chance for all those evacuees affected by the flooding in Larimer County to gain valuable information on the current flooding situation and the long term recovery process. Topics discussed will range from safety precautions regarding clean-up, the status of the public road system and assessment of road and bridge damage to mental health services available and updates on the Disaster Assistance Center (DAC) and Disaster Distribution Center.

This meeting will be streamed live and will also be streamed live to all evacuees in the Estes Park Conference Center at 101 South Saint Vrain.

Please note, this meeting is intended only for those who were evacuated or lost their homes or are otherwise directly impacted by the flooding event in Larimer County.

(via Larimer County Sheriff’s Office News Release – 9/19/2013)


  1. Sindee
    Sep 19, 2013

    If we are not on list to leave tomorrow with our car how do we get on ? In EP plan on coming in early tomorrow.

  2. Beth Swanson
    Sep 22, 2013

    Came in from Sunshine Canyon today. Long drive ,about 1 1/2 hrs.but manageable.60 miles one way.
    Good news, there were National Guard stationed along 36 ready to begin reconstruction on Monday. They’ve got their work cut out for them but seem enthusiastic.
    Hopefully road to Estes will be ready soon, with Lyons soon to follow.

    • admin
      Sep 22, 2013

      Beth, did you drive back out? They are closing highway 36 access to pinewood tomorrow to start work on the highway. Don’t get stuck up there!

  3. Linda Harkness
    Sep 22, 2013

    I live in Pinewood and drove out with the last convoy yesterday. My husband is still there because he’s retired. I had to get back to work. Did you register with FEMA? I did that today and so now I have a case number. That’s important – get the wheels in motion. A FEMA worker said that if you can’t get back to your home, you qualify so you should get some kind of reimbursement. They don’t pay for you to live elsewhere now but if you can get a check from FEMA you won’t be broke when this is all over. They also pay for lost wages. I went to the Disaster Relief site at Twin Peaks mall in Longmont. They also gave gift cards for gas and food plus food they had on site. Go to Salvation Army table and Boulder Housing table for gift cards. There is also a Disaster relief center in Boulder. I felt so much better after I left there. The volunteers were just wonderful.

    Good luck to you and God bless you!

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