Clarification: Access to Pinewood Springs During Road Construction

Like several of you, I’ve been on the phone with Hickenlooper’s office and CDOT today… there is a lot of confusion about access to Pinewood. As of this writing both offices agree that if you have a driver’s license with a Pinewood address – the national guard check point should let you drive down from Estes to the break in the road at Big Elk. The National Guard does not want people parking in the way of heavy equipment on the highway but on side roads like what is left of the entrance to CR-47/Big Elk. I’m still waiting to hear from the CDOT construction manager for more details but for now… we can access our homes during the 36 construction process. The public statement about highway 36 being closed is intended for non-residents who don’t have a legitimate reason to be on the road. Access, where to park and the schedule for completion of a temporary road are subject to change daily. -Laura Levy
This afternoon, the Boulder OEM revised their statement….
Lyons, Colo. – As a follow-up to information provided yesterday, currently the only strict prohibition to traffic on U.S. 36 is westbound from Lyons. The closure is in effect from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. each day for ongoing road construction and includes all foot, vehicle and cycling traffic.
There is no vehicular access available to Pinewood Springs from Lyons or Blue Mountain.
Apple Valley Rd., Blue Mountain Rd. and Spring Gulch Rd. vehicle traffic is still permitted with the understanding that construction traffic is causing significant delays and unnecessary road trips will hamper progress on repairs. Residents in those areas are asked to severely limit travel during the timeframe of 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. in order to minimize congestion.
In addition, materials used in this project are being attained from the local quarries in the Blue Mountain area, causing greater traffic issues and traffic congestion. The community’s help and cooperation in giving CDOT crews room to complete their work is appreciated in order to keep the project on track and on pace for a timely completion.
(Photo by Aaron Ontiveroz/The Denver Post)
Hi Laura,
Thanks so much for developing this website and keeping us up to date on the ever changing details. I was evacuated and have housing in Boulder and was able to get my car on Sat. Unfortunately, not all people that were evacuated are as fortunate. Since I am a Realtor, I have many resources to try to help those who have not found semi-permanent(Maybe only until Dec 1?) housing for themselves and their sweet pets! So I have taken on the task, in conjunction with the Boulder Board of Realtors and Boulder County, to be the “Matchmaker” of sorts for all housing needs in the Lyons area(or other areas as well). So I have made a plea to The Board of Realtors(with 1150 members) to put their “Thinking caps on” and call their clients, their family, or for that matter..Anyone that might be able to provide a rental, a room, or anything with a roof on it!
I immediately received many referrals of housing possibilities
for our displaced neighbors! Yay! So now, I just need to get the information out to everyone and get them to contact me so that I can get them dialed in. So what would be your suggestion to do that? I know that we got everyone’s e-mail or contact info when we evacuated, but I know that was not notified of the name of the website that was created(Couldn’t find it when I Googled “Pinewood Springs”…because it was called “My Pinewood Home”, instead of my Pinewood Springs Home). Anyways, most people know about it, but didn’t know how to find it.(That became clear when alot of people didn’t know that the convoy to get their cars out) Anyways, I know we are all doing the best we can, but I would prefer to get this very
“Valuable” housing to my Pinewood Neighbors, but have only been able to do that thru word of mouth…that’s not working out so well? So any ideas?? Need to jump on this, because these houses are going in a split second! Thanks so much for your help and I hope you are doing well! Hang in there!
Jill Bryant
Hi Jill, I believe most residents who attended the fire station meetings are aware of this URL as it was announced at each meeting. I will talk to Gabi about email notices regarding the web address. It’s a brand new site so SEO hasn’t kicked in yet but it has been optimized to show up when the full community name is googled. As for housing I’m happy to post about your findings on the site. Feel free to include details in an email to me I can post it later today. Also our new Facebook page gets a ton of activity… Thanks!
My wife (Veronica) and I were evacuated on Monday, 9/16, and have been staying with friends ever since. However, we can’t continue that forever and we really don’t want to spend $1600 for an apt/condo. We would appreciate any help u can give us, either in Longmont or Boulder with either a “free” place or reasonable rate.
(760-419-6956 or
Charlie & Veronica Pease
Found the following information from CenturyLink about restoring service to Pinewood Spring ( I did not find any updates for today.
I am planning a trip to winterize on Saturday. I heard Sunshine Canyon is open to peak to peak, but access is restricted. Does a pinewood springs address let me through?
I drove up sunshine canyon on Saturday afternoon/evening.
There was a police officer at the end of Mapleton checking drivers licenses, and let us go, no questions. On the way back, you are not stopped anywhere, except in EP on mall road.
It took 1 hour and 40 minutes from Big Elk road area (where I dropped off my husband to hike in) and back to the end of sunhine canyon on Mapleton in Boulder. The road after you leave Hwy 72 to Gold Hill is gravel and slow, about 30 minutes of it. Very dusty and sometimes one lane. Gold Hill was crowded with traffic and often had to wait. Sunshine Canyon was busy and dusty, couldn’t see the car in front of me.
Yes, you can get through Sunshine Canyon with your Lyons/Pinewood address.
Has anyone been up Sunshine Canyon lately? If so, what is it like?
I just got back and the drive was slow and dusty. Lots of commuters heading up the canyon and a big back up at Mapleton when I got to the stop sign. Evening sun a problem for people driving up and a line of traffic going down. For the most part people are being careful but like any other driving situation there is always one or two that are going too fast, won’t take turns at the one lane areas, etc.
Linda! You and John okay????
I went up on Friday – washboards the entire way. Not a fun drive at all. Take it slow and careful.
The following article was in today’s (9/25/13) Denver Post. It would seem that there could be a delay in repairing 36 between Pinewood Springs and Estes Park.
Bill Hays
(relative of two inhabitants)
Yes, I just posted this on the Pinewood Springs Facebook page….
We do not do Face Book. Are we missing out on valuable information because we do not have a face book account?
What I am really interested in is an update on access to PWS from the north. Most of what I see on the CDOT site talks about Hwy 36 from Lyons to Estes, they do not break it down to the 2 distinct separate efforts. Is there a place to get that kink of information.
My husband was up there today and took some great photos. I will post them tomorrow. You will be impressed with the progress. Stay tuned…. And the Facebook page had a lot of info but all the important pinewood related updates are posted here.
I am interested in receiving any information on how / when / where I might be able to drive one of my vehicles out of there from any direction. After being heli-evacuated I was too busy dealing with recovery efforts and logistics with a 94 year old family member who was flooded out in Boulder, to realize and take advantage of the original exodus through the Stage Coach road. I hear rumors of access and then find out the land owner denied access etc. And now politics and government shutdown threats (even though some employees engaged in certain missions are considered Critical and therefore exempt from furlough). Very frustrating when you need your vehicle to get to work!
Does anyone know the status of the work on 36 north of Pinewood? The National Guard was not there today.