Preparing for an Emergency

Preparing for an Emergency

Last year’s flood caught many of us unprepared. Now that we’ve lived through this kind of natural disaster, we won’t be unprepared again. It’s a good time to create a household emergency plan so that you have all the supplies and communication tools needed if another emergency happens. I’ve heard several neighbors discuss plans to install generators and keep reserves of water on hand. Here are some ideas posted on the Larimer County website to help us remember what we should have ready in case of emergency. This is list is a start. If you have additional ideas, please share them in the comment section below. One of the most important steps you can take in preparing for an emergency is to develop a household disaster plan. At its most...

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Public Meeting on Big Elk Meadows Dams

Public Meeting on Big Elk Meadows Dams

YOU ARE INVITED Public Meeting on Big Elk Meadows Dams and the Little Thompson River and the Re-Construction of the Dams after the September 2013 Flooding Saturday, March 29, 2014 3:00 – 5:00 pm Rogers Hall, 4th and High Street (next to the Old Stone Church, between 4th and 5th on High Street) Lyons, Colorado Members of the Colorado Division of Water Resources, Dam Safety Branch (DSB) will report preliminary findings of their ongoing study of the rainfall and resulting flooding, including the effects of the failure of dams in the Big Elk Meadows (BEM) sub-division on the Little Thompson River. The DSB will also provide an update on the status of the reconstruction of the dams. In addition, representatives of Larimer County Emergency Management, Larimer County...

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What Mother Nature Can’t Destroy

What Mother Nature Can’t Destroy

32 Days. It has been only 32 days since the waters roared down the canyons and into our lives. It feels like a lifetime ago. When I look back at our lives and our community 32 days ago, it is overwhelming to think about the life-shifting events we’ve all had to endure. We all have our individual stories yet they blend together in a complex web of experiences. We’ve gone through something as a community. Mother Nature did her best to tear down everything we built, yet she couldn’t tear apart the fabric of who we are. The Flood It was about 6:00 AM on September 12th when the power went out. My husband was called into work in Boulder and my 8 year old son and I were alone in Pinewood Springs. I had been up all night obsessively watching the news on...

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Flood Cleanup Safety: Removing Debris

Flood Cleanup Safety: Removing Debris

The floods in Colorado didn’t just damage our physical property. As a community, we’ve been rocked on emotionally and financially as well. As we begin to pick up the pieces and work towards rebuilding our communities, it’s important to be navigate the steps towards rebuilding in a safe manner. The Boulder County website has great information on how to safely clean up all the debris left in the wake of the Colorado floods. Preparing Materials for Removal In the first few days after a flood your ability to dispose, recycle or compost flood debris may be extremely limited. Waste transfer stations and recycling facilities are expected to be closed for a time, and trash collection routes may be suspended or delayed. In addition, Police and Fire...

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Pinewood Springs Evacuation 4-Wheel Caravan Scheduled

Pinewood Springs Evacuation 4-Wheel Caravan Scheduled

Many residents were waiting for a road so they could drive vs. take the helicopter. Hot shots have been working on a 4-wheel drive road for several days to make this happen… Here is the update on timing: Friday morning 08/20/13 Starting at 08:00 AM Orderly Caravan of resident 4×4 vehicles exiting to Spring Gulch and out through Lyons. Approx 50 vehicles expected on Friday. Operation expected to last aprox 4 hours. Loved ones can expected there family members out by Noon. Fire Department and support crews expected to exit same route on Saturday 09/21/13. Exact time unknown right now. Pinewood Springs Residents can get information updates on their community on the newly created website: or by visiting

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