Larimer County Spring Run-off Information
Everyone in our region is worried about the run-off this spring. The floods changed the topography of our rivers and streams which could also change the behavior of the water produced by melting snow. Although no one can really predict the outcome, there are a few resources we can access to track this spring’s runoff. Local Lyons meteorologist, Greg Berman has created a great Facebook page called the Flood Watch Network. This page will use local spotters and scientific monitoring to track any potential flooding activity in real time. If you’re on Facebook, please “like” the Flood Watch Network to receive these valuable updates. Larimer County posted some information in their recent spring newsletter regarding spring run-off: The snowpack...
Read MoreIRS Gives Extension for Flood-loss Claims
Coloradans affected by the flooding in September have six extra months to claim damage costs on their federal income tax returns. The Internal Revenue Service has given taxpayers in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties – along with 16 other Colorado counties affected by the flood – until Oct. 15 to decide when to claim flood damage. They otherwise would have had to decide by April 15 whether to claim the losses on their 2013 or 2012 federal tax returns – a decision driven by the amount of tax savings they might receive. Those who miss the October deadline will still be permitted to claim flood-damage losses on their 2013 returns, but not their 2012 forms. Uninsured or unreimbursed losses from flooding, landslides, mudslides or severe...
Read MoreLarimer County Releases “After the Flood” Video
The mid-September 2013 Flood in northern Colorado devastated many communities. The Board of Larimer County Commissioners has released a 7-minute video ‘Larimer County – Life After the Flood’ detailing the flood damage and the recovery efforts made by a host of entities in Larimer County. Mountain roads were hit especially hard in the flood and it has taken until now to create access with temporary roads for residents. Commissioner Chair Steve Johnson spear-headed the project, “Larimer County is committed to responding immediately to natural disasters to help citizens. I felt the video was the best way to show citizens how we are working to restore their lives to as close to normal as possible. The video also serves to show people from all over the county the...
Read MoreFEMA Extends Deadline for Colorado Flood Victims
At the request of the State of Colorado, FEMA has approved an extension for storm and flooding survivors to register for federal disaster assistance. The new registration deadline is November 30, 2013, which is also the new deadline to complete and return low-interest U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loan applications. Survivors who register may be eligible for federal grants to help cover various disaster-related expenses, including rent, essential home repairs, personal property losses and other serious disaster-related needs not covered by insurance. The extension is for all 11 Colorado counties designated for federal Individual Assistance: Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Clear Creek, El Paso, Fremont, Jefferson, Larimer, Logan, Morgan and Weld....
Read MoreHighway 36 Repairs: New CDOT Website and Hotline
CDOT has launched a new website to help answer our ongoing questions about access to the Pinewood Springs area. Additionally, you may now call a CDOT hotline that will be staffed with people who can answer questions and log concerns. CDOT HOTLINE: 970-591-0001 CDOT EMAIL: CDOT WEBSITE Repairs Underway Construction is underway between mile post (MP) 4 near Estes Park and MP 19 near Lyons. Altogether, crews will be working at 18 different sites throughout the length of the construction zone, but not in sequential order of location. Crews work from sunrise to sunset, seven days a week, and are finishing the removal of debris from the construction zone, including trees, rocks, personal vehicles, and other materials. In additional...
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