Pinewood Springs – Roads and Bridges Reconstruction Status Update
Larimer County is currently in the process of preparing bidding plans for many of the roads and culverts that sustained damage from the floods in September of last year. The Pinewood Springs General Improvement District Road Board has also been busy with road and culvert repairs throughout the community. Road Reconstruction Updates Our goal is to hire a contractor to construct the remaining road repairs during the upcoming Summer and Fall. We will be sure to provide residents with a more specific time frame once we have a better idea of what the start date is for construction. The Iroquois Road washout near Cree Ct. is one of the larger road improvement projects that has yet to be completed. This is one of the locations that will be included in either the road...
Read MoreHighway 36 Construction Update – Summer 2014
What is the current status of US 36 between Lyons and Estes Park? Following the temporary repairs made by the National Guard to temporarily reopen US 36, the roadway was still at risk of losing existing embankment and roadway. US 36 was identified as the first mountain corridor to begin and complete permanent repairs following the September 2013 floods. As a critical route between Estes Park and the Front Range for residents and tourists, this corridor’s repairs were targeted for several reasons: The alignment along US 36 provides the opportunity to keep the roadway away from the river more frequently than other mountain highways. A partnership between the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Central Federal Lands (CFL) combined expertise to work on...
Read MorePinewood Springs – Newsletter April, 2014
Water District As many of you know, the flood severely damaged the home located by the Bridge on Kiowa. The floodwaters also completely destroyed the homeowner’s water tap and water line. After several months of reconstruction the homeowner is ready to move back, however, the District still needs to reinstall his tap and water line. To do so, we will have to close down Kiowa for a few hours. Carl is planning to do the install sometime in April. We want all the Kiowa islanders to be aware that this will happen. When we know more about when the construction will begin, we will try to give you a 24-hour warning when the road will be closed. The by pass route used during the flood via Ute Crossing Court would be available in case of an emergency. If you have any...
Read MoreLittle Thompson Watershed Restoration Coalition (LTWRC) Update
TETRA TECH SELECTED AS RIVER MASTER PLANNER After many hours of review, discussion and voting rounds, the LTWRC Selection Committee chose Tetra Tech out of Ft Collins as our partner for developing the Master Plan for the entire 61 miles watershed. You will get a chance to hear from and meet them at the landowners meeting on April 16 (see next item) Seven river engineering companies submitted excellent proposals; any one of them would have been capable of doing a great job, and we welcome Tetra Tech to our river! MASTER PLANNING KICK-OFF WED. APRIL 16 at 7pm IN BERTHOUD The next LTWRC public landowners meeting is Wednesday, April 16 at 7 pm, Berthoud Community Center. Updates on ongoing activities, needs, and resources, plus a...
Read MorePreparing for an Emergency
Last year’s flood caught many of us unprepared. Now that we’ve lived through this kind of natural disaster, we won’t be unprepared again. It’s a good time to create a household emergency plan so that you have all the supplies and communication tools needed if another emergency happens. I’ve heard several neighbors discuss plans to install generators and keep reserves of water on hand. Here are some ideas posted on the Larimer County website to help us remember what we should have ready in case of emergency. This is list is a start. If you have additional ideas, please share them in the comment section below. One of the most important steps you can take in preparing for an emergency is to develop a household disaster plan. At its most...
Read MoreLarimer County Spring Run-off Information
Everyone in our region is worried about the run-off this spring. The floods changed the topography of our rivers and streams which could also change the behavior of the water produced by melting snow. Although no one can really predict the outcome, there are a few resources we can access to track this spring’s runoff. Local Lyons meteorologist, Greg Berman has created a great Facebook page called the Flood Watch Network. This page will use local spotters and scientific monitoring to track any potential flooding activity in real time. If you’re on Facebook, please “like” the Flood Watch Network to receive these valuable updates. Larimer County posted some information in their recent spring newsletter regarding spring run-off: The snowpack...
Read MoreIRS Gives Extension for Flood-loss Claims
Coloradans affected by the flooding in September have six extra months to claim damage costs on their federal income tax returns. The Internal Revenue Service has given taxpayers in Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer and Weld counties – along with 16 other Colorado counties affected by the flood – until Oct. 15 to decide when to claim flood damage. They otherwise would have had to decide by April 15 whether to claim the losses on their 2013 or 2012 federal tax returns – a decision driven by the amount of tax savings they might receive. Those who miss the October deadline will still be permitted to claim flood-damage losses on their 2013 returns, but not their 2012 forms. Uninsured or unreimbursed losses from flooding, landslides, mudslides or severe...
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